Artificial Intelligence Development: Should it be stopped?
Many of you may have watched the world – famous movie ‘Terminator’ when you were young. You also may have been scared of the AI robot chasing the protagonist without stopping. Something that seemed virtually impossible, such as the dreadful scene in the movie ‘Terminator’, is now considered a possibility. With some scientists approving and others warning about the development of AI (a.k.a Artificial Intelligence), it raises the question of whether it should be developed any further.

According to a press release, the Korean baduk (Asian chess) champion Lee Se Doll will have a battle with Google Deepmind’s AI robot named ‘AlphaGo’ on this March. ‘AlphaGo’ is an AI robot that uses the Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) system and Deep Neural Network technology, which made it possible for it to win a great number of Baduk champion players with an amazing winning rate of 99.8 %. What’s interesting is the fact that AlphaGo is not the only AI genius robot existing on Earth, AI robots invented these days usually are as smart as, or even smarter than AlphaGo. In addition, since Apple’s AI program ‘Siri’ was released in 2010, AI technology has developed steadily year by year. With this rate of development speed, we need to consider some serious aspects of AI that could possibly be a threat to us humans.
Of course, AI has strong merits. With an AI robot, we can rescue people without risking other peoples’ lives when a natural disaster occurs or when a building collapses. Also, by making AI robots do some of the hardest, the most dangerous work, we can help factory workers or construction sites workers, thus saving both their precious time and energy. However, we cannot ignore the dangers of AI that can far outweigh the good effects. For example, if an AI robot becomes skilled enough to replace human workers, a low employment problem much severe than the one Koreans are suffering right now might happen, eventually leading to an economic downturn. Also, if the robots become smart enough to think and make decisions, they might decide to go against humans. In fact, Stephen Hawking and other prominent scholars and scientists signed a petition to stop AI robot technology from developing. According to them, the biggest possible threat to the humanity is AI technology. That shows how dangerous AI technology could be if we misused it.
Humans have dominated the Earth for billions of years. If we mistreat the AI technology by making the robots smarter and more powerful than humans, they could become the next species to dominate the Earth. In conclusion, we should always be very cautious when it comes to developing AI technology. And if AI technology development is inevitable, scientists should develop it within the boundaries where human safety is guaranteed the first. Lastly, we should always ensure that AI technology is for humans, not for robots.