Juyoung Yi
Many people the United States’ Republican candidate Donald Trump to be a low-intelligent, hot-tempered racist, but the man just might actually be creating controversies on purpose. During the presidential election (still continuing to this day), Trump has made many speeches and remarks that were often out of place. Some people side with him, while others believe that he is not a suitable candidate.
“I will build a great wall – and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me – and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”
“Our great African-American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore.”
Many people think that his comments are not appropriate to be delivered, not only as a candidate who is running to become the POTUS, but also as a humane person. Does Trump know that what he says creates controversies? Probably yes. Then, why is he continuing it? The answer is, the controversies help him take a step towards being elected, and some people just believe in what he says.
It has been a long tradition of celebrities or politicians to irritate the public to gain publicity. Whether it be scandals or court trials, they have used the method to be recognized by the people. It’s not that they are unintelligent and irrational – it’s the opposite.
Also, the fact that there are actual Trump supporters also cannot be ruled out. Believe it or not, some truly believe that a great wall between the United States and Mexico is a reasonable solution towards immigrant problems. Some truly believe that Barack Obama had founded the ISIS (yes, the man has confidently said this). In some states, Trump outvotes Hillary. This shows that he will be backed with support even if he keeps on saying what he has been saying.
Personally, I believe that his way of advertising himself is wrong. Donald Trump bashes out on minority groups, often being racist. Not only that, but he also spreads rumors that have not been confirmed. A person who is willing to lead a nation of population over three hundred million should be better than this.
Trump’s election campaigns work. Nonetheless, they cannot be described as to be any good.